THE L&L BLOG / Scrivener for iPad and iPhone

Version 1.1 of Scrivener for iOS

We’re delighted to announce that in the next week or so, we’ll be releasing our first major update to Scrivener on iOS. It includes a much requested feature, one we enjoy playing with, and lots of work under the hood related to Dropbox syncing.

We’ve added Dark Mode to Scrivener on iOS. Switching into Dark Mode provides an entire theme that will be useful to those that like to continue writing late into the night. Once a project is open, tap the gear icon in the footer of the sidebar to open ‘Project Settings’. You will then see the toggle option for Dark Mode. All elements of Scrivener will immediately switch to a darkened theme that is ideal for working in low light environments. Whether you prefer writing on your iPad or tapping on your iPhone, you can now do it with the lights turned down low. Drift into that romantic scene writing by candlelight!

Screenshot of Scrivener’s Dark Mode.

Scrivener already had custom icons available for any type of document contained within your project. We’ve embraced the zeitgeist and you can now use emojis as document icons! Simply bring up the inspector for any binder document and press on the icon option. Along with the list of existing markers to choose from, you will notice a custom field. You can type any letter (or combination if you wanted to associate a character POV), or an emoji into that field. Not happy with a particular scene, it probably deserves a Pouting Face. Thumps Up Sign for that document you’re completely happy with. Any document icons that you do associate, will be immediately available to you the in populated list. Custom icons are an iOS only phenomenon at the moment, but they will sync with Scrivener projects on macOS and Windows when updates are released later this year.

Emojis as document icons.

Along with bug fixes, the work you won’t see relates to updating the API used by Dropbox. Dropbox is moving from API 1 to API 2 at the end of June 2017, so we’ve updated all the underlying sync code to ensure the process remains seamless.We naturally hope you all enjoy using Scrivener 1.1 on iOS. We’ll be submitting the update to Apple for review next week, so it should be available in the iOS App Store in the next week or two. If you’re not already using Scrivener on iOS, now is probably a great time to take your writing mobile!

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