THE L&L BLOG / Scrivener for iPad and iPhone

Scrivener in App Store Best of 2016

Many thanks to the lovely Apple folk at all the stores that have included Scrivener for iPad in their “Best of 2016” app picks. It’s been a great year (for Scrivener, I mean – clearly it’s not been a great year for celebrities), and being picked as one of the Best of 2016 is a spiffing way to end it.

My sincere thanks to everyone who has supported us this year and all the past years, by giving us nice reviews, telling your friends about Scrivener, or just, y’know, buying it and using it and creating books and scripts and games and words with it.

I suppose I could get all Matthew McConaughey Oscar-speech-emotional on you, but I think we all know that the best speech of gratitude ever given was that of Hightower when he graduated Police Academy:


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