
Michael Fleishman

Author and illustrator of Drawing Inspiration: Visual Artists At Work, teacher, Scrivener fan.

Scrivener played a HUGE part in writing my new book, organizing the text, art, and copy/content editing. Drawing Inspiration: Visual Artists At Work is a 400-page, good natured monster of a thing (185 contributors, 465 pieces of art, full-color). The manuscript was initially 620 pages and I essentially whittled off another 200 page book to make page count (a process streamlined by this great app). No way I could have knocked this out as ‘easily’ or as efficiently without Scrivener (which I dearly love) — certainly THE best writing software purchase I ever made. But I won’t qualify — Scrivener is simply a wonderful piece of kit. It seriously facilitated the production of DIVA — the most monumental project of my career. I look forward to 2.0.

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