Joe Corso
Award-winning author of The Starlight Club novels, The Time Portal series, and many more.
I tried writing my first book using Word, but I lost most of my work when Word crashed. I investigated other writing programs and none satisfied me until I had the good fortune to discover Scrivener. Since using Scrivener I have written 11 complete novels and I am currently working on my 12th book. Scrivener is exactly what I needed then and what I wouldn’t part with now. With Scrivener you can organize your work to suit your particular needs. For example, in my case I list my chapters on the left side of the screen. Also on the left side I created a folder for my characters, another folder for my research. The body of my work is in the center and my notes for each chapter on the right side. Scrivener is the perfect writing program and my books prove my point. If anyone would like to contact me to discuss Scrivener you can email me at