
Marte Brengle

Author of Closed Circuit, and Dutchman’s Puzzle.

Over 20 years ago, I started writing my first novel, Closed Circuit. I worked away at it for a while, put it aside, rewrote it a few times, put it aside…. Somehow I was just never inspired to finish it.

Last year a good friend kindly gave me his older Mac Mini just about the time NaNoWriMo came along. I immediately downloaded Scrivener and got to work. What to write? Well, how about a sequel to the unfinished first novel? That seemed do-able, and no sooner did I get started, I fell in love with Scrivener. I managed to write more than 50,000 words and win. Scrivener made the process about as painless as it gets.

After that, I told myself — if you can write this many words in that amount of time, you can surely finish that first book once and for all. So I dug out the manuscript… imported it into Scrivener, and started writing. And once again Scrivener worked its magic. I finished the book. The sequel, Dutchman’s Puzzle, will be published in spring 2011, and I really believe I could not have done that without Scrivener.

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