Show and hide different elements of the Scrivener window so your work environment suits your needs.
The Scrivener window contains many elements. In addition to the main Editor, where you compose your texts, there is the Binder, which gives you an overview of your projects, and the Inspector, where you can see notes, comments, snapshots, and more. Above and below these three main elements is a Toolbar, a Format Bar, and more.
All of these elements help you work with your projects in Scrivener, but you don’t always need to use them all. Hiding some of these elements can help you focus on your work, on your writing.
In this article, I’m going to show you how to customize the Scrivener window, so you only see those elements that you need when you’re working.
The three main elements
From left to right, the three main elements of the Scrivener window are the Binder, the Editor, and the Inspector. In the screenshot below, the Binder is outlined in red, the Editor in blue, and the Inspector in green.