Well, Scrivener finally got to a 1.0 release yesterday, and I would like to sincerely thank* all of those users who have beta-tested both Scrivener Gold and then the Scrivener 1 betas over the past couple of years. You have all helped make Scrivener a much better application, truly. When I released beta 1 several months ago, I thought it was pretty much ready for release. I was mistaken, to put it mildly. The feedback was positive, but there were a lot of rough edges that made navigation a little unintuitive (remember how you could keep ending up with a blank corkboard because the modes weren’t automatic?). My own ideas and vision got Scrivener part of the way; feedback from real world users got it the rest of the way. It is much better for it. So: thank you.
A big thank you too to all of those who have already bought Scrivener – I am genuinely surprised at the number of copies purchased in less than 24 hours – and to those who have taken the time to write such rave reviews on VersionTracker and MacUpdate.
For those who haven’t checked out Scrivener 1.0, it is available on the product web page at:
There are a few minor tweaks and features I hope to add over the coming months, and of course, there will no doubt be another small development push when Leopard is released to ensure everything is compatible and to take advantage of new OS X features, but really, it is now time, at last, to turn back to the writing (i.e. actually using Scrivener myself). Now that is daunting. Developing Scrivener has really been the most amazing form of procrastination. So, hopefully in future this blog will cover both the ongoing development of Scrivener and my struggling attempts at writing The Novel…
Thanks again!
*Pedants: yes, certain grammar freaks would say this is a “split infinitive”, a misunderstanding that comes from Latin infinitives. This is the perfect example of why split infinitives are actually meaningless in English: “sincerely like to thank” would suggest it’s my liking that is sincere; “to thank sincerely” is probably more correct but sounds hideous. Mind the Gaffe is a great book that really lays waste to nonsense such as split infinitives. Hmm, “pedant’s corner” seems to be turning into a regular part of this blog…