THE L&L BLOG / Scrivener

Scrivener + Leopard

I’ve been getting a number of concerned e-mails recently from Scrivener users who fear that I may have abandoned development of Scrivener because my last blog post here is rather old and was slagging off Apple, and because there is no mention of Leopard on the Scrivener product page…

I would just like to make it very clear that Scrivener is very much alive and in active development. Scrivener 1.1 is Leopard-ready, with a more “Leopard-esque” interface and a large number of tweaks for Leopard. As a paid-up member of the Apple developer program, I have been building Scrivener on Leopard for the past six months or so. I had hoped to get Scrivener 1.1 out yesterday, to coincide with Leopard’s release, but there are a couple of things that have caused a delay (not the least of which being that my partner had to go in for an operation on her jaw yesterday; oh, and Tomb Raider Anniversary came out for the Xbox 360, too…). For a start, the release change list is so long that I need to simplify it, and I also need to update the project templates that come with Scrivener 1.1. Scrivener itself is ready and has gone through extensive beta-testing over the past few months.

If you are concerned or need the Leopard-ready version right now (although 1.03 should work fine on Leopard for now anyway), please go to the Beta Testing section of the forum. There you can download the latest Scrivener 1.1 beta (1.095), which runs fine on Leopard (note that there is a minor bug related to script editing and Edit Scrivenings that has been fixed for 1.1). Note that you will be prompted to update your project, and you must get rid of older versions of Scrivener.

At the same time as 1.1 is released as an official (and free) update, the website will also be updated. I have been working hard on that over the past week, as the old product page does not reflect the new look of Scrivener. I’ve also created a webcast for the page. Also note that as of 1.1, Scrivener’s price will be increasing from $34.99 to $39.95 (except for students). The update will, of course, be free to registered users, though.

I’ll post again soon about Leopard. Leopard is a great update, and Scrivener 1.1 looks and works great on it. Please be patient as I get the release version ready. It will be with you very soon, and I apologise for the fact that it was not out on time for Leopard. I just wanted to make sure it was perfect…

Oh, and Tiger users, rest assured that Scrivener will continue to work beautifully on both Leopard and Tiger for the foreseeable future.

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