What is the fix for sync failure with ios13.1 and Dropbox?

I upgraded to iOS 13.1 last night and now Scrivener on my iPhone quits as Dropbox sync begins. I had been on 12.4 before.

What is the fix or workaround here? I thought perhaps I should set up sync from scratch but I am reluctant to do the work if it won’t make a difference.

Anyone know what to do?


Same issue here.

The same here now on iPadOS. Syncing was smooth on iOS 12.

I have this issue as well …

Please refer to the discussion thread on this issue.

Weirdly enough (or perhaps not, now that the two systems are distinct) I have had zero problems with Scrivener sync on the new iPadOS. It is only the iPhone’s iOS 13.1 that breaks sync. Since others have posted on this thread I want to add that piece of information. Now, off to the discussion thread Amber referred us to.


David, elsewhere it was suggested that maybe (maybe!) it is a problem only on newer devices. For me that is the case. My iPhone SE is a couple of years old and has no problems with syncing on iOS 13. My iPad Mini 5 is brand new and did sync on iOS 12 but not on the new iPadOS. Is your iPad older and your iPhone newer?

Don’t think so. The iPhone is an XR and the iPad is a 2018 pro. I’d both devices are about a year old. Though I suppose the iPad is slightly older, so perhaps you’re right!
