Windows 1.6 Beta side bar on editing window

I am using a Samsug Netbook, with Windows 7 Starter. When the window fills, the side bar does not pop, though that appears in full screen mode.


Yes… I know this is could be a problem with long manuscripts. Found that out today while working on a short story.

ed for spelling…

Oh and this is important, DUH for not testing. It does this on full screen, not on a reduced screen.

Sorry, but I have no idea what you raising here. Can you please be more specific?

When you are working in the text section not in full screen mode, but what windows refers as full screen, the side bar does not appear after you fill the text area. When you are in the reduced screen setting it does.

By the way in the program full screen mode it does. Damn I wish I could do a screen cap right now.