NiaD X

One of life’s many griefs is that I did not get to meet Vic in person.
I held back the tears all day, until now.
Nonetheless, thank you.

I am determined to finish my chapter for him. Apologies to Pigfender if I don’t finish it in time.

Finished and sent! Oh my that was both awesomely fun, and insanely hard!

I can’t wait to see how the story turns out! :slight_smile:


I’m not vic-k and I’ll never be as capable of supporting others as he was. Dig deep and hear him telling you “this is just a time, soon it will pass.” He told me that a lot. A. Lot.

And when you have time, feel free to lean on me a bit. Maybe together we can be just enough Vic to get through to the other side in one piece.

Well, I’ve finished mine. Yay!

I don’t know if it’s any good, but at least it’s done.
I shall send it after one last edit.

I always panic when I receive the brief and think I can’t do it, and then somehow make sense of it and a story emerges.

I’m a terrible procrastinator so I actually spent an hour editing my WIP which I’ve had Writers Block on for a while.

Ironically, Scrivener on my iPad isn’t compiling today, so I’ve had to copy everything into Windows. Typical!

Thanks to @pigfender for making this such a great event. I’m looking forward to reading your chapter too! :slight_smile: And, of course, everyone else’s.

Just what I feel. Trying to make sense of my chapter was the biggest challenge this time, rather than feeling completely out of my depth with genre like the last two times I took part.



Done! The benefit of being in this time zone is that I have lots of time to mull my concept. The drawback is that I have to start writing as soon as I wake up.

This year’s genre was … my spouse’s favorite. One of these days, I swear the story will be about something I know about (and will have no excuse for getting badly wrong). Some day.

There can’t be that many genres left! :smiley:

Chapter sent.

And so to the bath…

My chapter is as done as it will ever be. Submitted to the master monkey, ready for assembly. I am looking forward to the last of the five stages of NIAID, a little nap.

I didn’t claim to know about very much…

I was really concerned when I started this one that I would struggle to find things to say in my chapter. There’s quite a lot of specifc detail I wanted to get halfway right, with the danger that it overtakes the business of telling an interesting story! But as before I found that eventually I can sit down and spew out words, and a reasonably complete first draft has been done. Now I’ve “just” got to edit it. I have a little unnecessary (for the main plot) substory for colour that I have to decide whether I have time to include…

I’m running first phase editing!!! I seriously don’t know if I’ve done a good job or not!!!

Sent my chapter its under 2000 words but I do know more about supreme court and procurement :smiley: Thank you Rog it was as always fun to take part

Yay! Done!

Those still writing, you’ve got this. Those finished, raise a glass with me.

I think I’m done - I’m going to grab a bite to eat and do a final read through… wow.

Done and submitted. I have no idea why I struggled with this one. I should know a little bit more about this from all the crime shows I watch, but sadly, all that knowledge escaped me when I stared at the blank white page (or rather cream since I wrote it on my iPad). The urge to have one of my characters scream, “you can’t handle the truth” was there, but I decided against it after mulling it over. :smiley:

I found this one difficult spent lot of time trying to get head around some kind of outline knowledge to give me a fighting chance of making sense :frowning:

Done and sent back… YAY!!! although maybe not YAY once it’s been read but hey!!!

Edited down to 3019 words from about 4,000…

I’m fairly happy with it… (ish!!!)

That said, thank you for the amount of background preliminary research you’ve provided this year on various matters that might otherwise be difficult to scare up in time!

I’m pretty sure none of us knows very much about everything. But most of us know a lot about a little. We just need to get the son of baconator to broaden his base of knowledge.