Scrivener iOS syncing via Dropbox continues to crash the app

Many thanks to those that have tried minimising the system down to a basic level and testing to see if the problem is still present. I recognise that is a lot of work to do for troubleshooting, but what you’ve found is valuable information. It seems we can safely exclude myriad and difficult to track down variables like which apps you use, system configuration settings and so on.

It perhaps doesn’t shed any more light on how we can reproduce it though, unfortunately. In fact if anything it makes it more difficult in that if any device could theoretically work until certain changes are made to it, the odds would be much higher that we could cause the problem to appear with the right combination of settings. Instead it appears that the issue is somehow tied more to some specific hardware issue—perhaps even at a level beneath model lines (since I’m fairly sure we’ve seen contradicting cases where the same generation/model produces different results). So unfortunately that is getting into an area very difficult to narrow down further.

That is likely because Scrivener doesn’t run a full file system scan if the top-level folders indicate no modification date change from the last sync. This way if you sync twice in a row, the second time you try it will simply detect nothing further needs to be done. It’s the same code that draws the icons on projects, indicating their current sync status.

But removing or adding a project to the sync folder from the Mac side makes syncing work, according to @gyokusai. Doesn’t that indicate the opposite from what you stated?

I was responding specifically to why no file list would be downloaded until projects have been modified. As I understand it, the checklist being described is a way they found to get the file list download working, and so conditions where the file list is not being generated in the first place are not relevant to whether it works or not.

Thanks for asking, I tried. Sadly, no—with a 100kb project, it didn’t work. Beats me why not, though.

I am sad that this post, after several month does not offer solutions.
I have got the problem since december
I could recover by restoring my projects one by one but the problem happened again.
I 100% agree with the symptoms described by the users.
It was working fine since several years.
Best regards

Do we know the status of this bug? I’m wanting to upgrade my ageing iPhone 6 to an iPhone 11 Pro… but that would mean going to iOS 13 and possibly encountering this bug? I use syncing quite a lot via dropbox between my iPhone and my Macbook Air… I assume syncing sounds fairly broken on iOS 13 ? therefor I’d go from a nice working fast sync on my current device to a broken one on my new iPhone or iPad running iOS 13 or iPadOS ?

Unfortunately, that was the case with me. I work with an iPad Pro (3rd generation) and everything worked great with iOs12. Since the upgrade to iOs13, syncing is no longer possible, no matter what I try. :open_mouth:

No, not necessarily.
I run Scrivener on an iPone 11 Pro and a 3rd generation iPad Pro and syncing never stopped working for me. It’s worked ever since I got iOS Scrivener.
For some it works, for some it doesn’t, and based on what L&L have posted in here, it seems that those with problems are a minority of the users. The only problem is that you won’t know until afterwards if it works or not.

Could you please stop saying here that the users who have the problem are a minority? I’m getting really tired of this presentation. I have the latest equipment and operating system. It worked before and with iOs13 it doesn’t anymore. If the problem is not an issue for you, and everything is working for you, be happy and don’t play down the bug here all the time. :angry:

When others ask about this they should be given correct information, don’t you think?
The previous poster asked if it is safe to upgrade and you said ”no”, without the additional information that for a lot of users it does work. So I provided that to give the poster something to base the decision on.
Why do you prefer biased information?

I prefer above all that this problem is solved, because it hinders me in the production process. To say that the problem only affects a minority of users is biased information.

Do you have a complete list of who is having the problem? Do you have a complete list of who all bought and uses Scrivener? Do you have view into the support queues? Do you think L&L is lying about it, then? Because “minority of users” is how they have described the issue. Even so, they want to solve it. But when they can’t cleanly reproduce the issue on a device the devs can do troubleshooting on, they can’t fix it.

Some people simply have a talent for turning the words of others around, which is no longer fun. No, I don’t think that L&L is lying, and yes, I think that L&L wants to get to the bottom of the problem. But I’m starting to get annoyed that some users speak here without having an overview themselves. I am personally on the side of L&L, although I have to fight with the problem myself. But I would never get the idea to answer the worried request of users by posting that they belong to a minority. Besides, my answer was not directed against L&L but against a certain post - just to make this clear. Careful reading sometimes helps to understand.
But to your questions: I have at least a small overview. Together with others, I manage a Facebook group with 780 authors who use Scrivener specifically. Of those who took part in a poll (not all of them use the iOs version), about a quarter said they had problems. Some have been helped by the recommended workaround, but that’s no guarantee. These are not hard statistics, of course, and certainly not all users have responded and participated. But it is an indication that it does not affect a minority.
That’s all I want to say. I hope for an early solution.

I answered someone who hasn’t upgraded, not someone who has problems.
Careful reading does indeed help understanding, so I suggest you read my post again. I simply informed the poster that syncing works for a majority of users, according to L&L.

A quarter of a group is a minority, not a majority.

I am not saying that you don’t have problems or that the problem isn’t a serious one for those affected. I simply provided additional information when someone asked for info.

This dispute is getting us nowhere. We’d better end it.

Then stop asking people to stop repeating things that L&L has said.

I really don’t need advice from you on how to respond to posts. For technical questions I will contact support in the future and ignore these discussions here.

Wow. Congratulation you two, you managed to bring enough ill will to the table to push out the only user who had made the significant efforts of :

  • gathering consistent statistical data about the issue, on a larger number of users than what we have had on this topic,
  • going through a full factory reset and testing of a device L&L has been reluctantly asking for,
  • remaining respectful of everyone here despite some clear misconducts.
    You should be ashamed.

Also, as for this whole “holier than thou” battle you have going on here over numbers (seriously, how petty is that?), I’d like to put out there that, on a commercial scale (L&L being a company selling a product), 25% and counting stops being a minority and starts being a significant market share.
I say “and counting” because as you read through the 28 pages of this topic, you see every now and then people arriving, saying “I have bought the latest devices/upgraded to the latest iOS version and now I have this issue”, meaning that as more and more people transition to lastest devices/iOS versions, it will keep happening. If this doesn’t get fixed soon, a year from now, we’ll be talking 75% instead of 25, so continuing to argue like kids over what counts as minority or majority is clearly pointless. If it was 5 or 10%, I’d let it pass. But more than 20% a few months in is beyond the line.

Also, @lunk ; I thought I had been clear the first time. You have made the effort to be positive and productive on this topic for a while after that but now it has worn off. If you do not have anything to say that would help the situation, you have nothing to do on this topic. I work as tech support on other forums and communities and believe me, in most places, you would have been locked out of the conversation by now. As Thomas Rabenstein said : don’t play down the bug here all the time. Thank you for your comprehension.

Yes, both Lunk and Devinganger can labour the point and be a bit ‘dog at a bone’ and I’ve been on the receiving end of the latter’s …, the user who had the dummy spit and left contributed equally to the spat by endlessly harping on despite reasonable responses from the L&L team and other users.

A reminder, as L&L have pointed out, it IS NOT a Scrivener issue, but one somewhere between Dropbox and Apple. Other apps including Ulysses have been impacted. L&L have been unable to replicate. I have a latest iPad Pro 12.9 that had an issue that was resolved by removing one file after the 13 upgrade. My new 11 Pro worked fine first up.

Any share is a significant market share; Literature & Latte DOES care about the users …

But it’s a small minority.

a) Polls always count a self-selected sample. Folks who DON’T have a problem are far less likely to answer. People with a DIFFERENT sync problem will answer as if they’re affected by this one. Et cetera.

b) If no one in Cornwall or the Windows team in Australia saw an example in 5 months, the % affected must be small. Is it 5%, 1%, or 0.1%? No idea. But it’s not 25%.

c) Newer devices are not the only ones affected, so adding more new devices won’t necessarily up the percentage affected. The only clear pattern is the presence of iOS13 or iPadOS. A few users are still on 12, and going to 13 could add more problem devices … but maybe they don’t have to go to 13.

d) In 408 posts in this thread, the number of unique users is (guessing) 50 or less. The rest are duplicate posts by the same user, Literature & Latte responses, and posts like mine, trying to counsel calm.


e) There’s a perfectly viable sync process through iCloud Drive and the iOS Files app. It takes a little more effort, but you CAN get your work done. Who knows, it may even be safer than automatic Dropbox syncs.