Can't format Note as Bold on macOS Catalina


since upgrading to macOS Catalina, I can’t format a Note as Bold (see attachment).

I’m running macOS Catalina 10.15 and Scapple 1.3.3. (404).


Thanks, it looks to be the same bug in macOS 10.15, that we had to patch around in Scrivener.

The same thing also happens to me with Italic.
In fact, it is the shortcuts ⌘+ B and ⌘+ I that do not work.

I can still format with the Text style in the Inspector.
And I can still use ⌘+ U (for underline) and ⌘+ shift + - (for strikethrough).

(pb solved)


When can we expect an update for Scapple?

Oddly enough, it did not work and now it works. I can’t explain why. Sorry.
I did nothing in particular…

Interesting, you got lucky I guess, they still aren’t working for me.

There is an update of Catalina on its way right now (10.15.1). Hoping it’ll solve these issues on both Scapple and Scrivener… (I still have this issue with the French version of Scrivener…)