Scrivener Windows version crashes constantly

I bought Scrivener about a year ago and am very disappointed with this software. Even the promise that in Scrivener for Windows in the shortest time should be upgraded to version 3 for free, has not been respected. Now to the error: As soon as I load a video file into my “Research” folder, I get the hint that the source is "C: \ Users \ Uncomplicated \ AppData \ Local \ Temp \ Corel VideoStudio Pro X8 Service Pack 3 \ \ MyDVD \ DVD_10 \ "does not exist. This is a video editing program that I uninstalled several months ago and has nothing to do with Scrivener. Srivener remains frozen after this message and can only be stopped via the Task Manager.

Please excuse the bad english, this is a google translation.

No problems with the translation–your question is clear! Have you tried opening the video outside of Scrivener? It may be that the program that is specified in Windows as the one to open that type of video has not been updated.

Thanks for the quick answer first of all.
I can easily open and play the video outside of Scrivener. Strangely, the Scrivener tries to install the software “VideoStudio 8”. This is a video editing software that I have not used for years and a few months ago completely uninstalled from my computer.

Is it possible you still have the video file extension associated with VideoStudio 8?

I haven’t used Windows in years, but just to clarify: When you say you loaded the file, how did you load it? Drag and drop? Copy and paste?

Where is the file located? Hard drive? DVD? The path to that file looks strange to me, even for Windows but the Windows users here are better judges of that.

I’m sure one of the Window users will take an interest in your post and help you out.

Good luck

Even if I create a new project in Scrivener and drag and drop video files into the “Research” folder, exactly the same thing happens as already described.