[will there be a...] NiAD 2019**

Ooooh! :smiley: I concur with all the above.

Any word yet? Is there a way I can assist? This was such a cool and fun endeavor! :smiley: And it’s exciting to be part of something like this. So I am motivated to keep it going.
No pressure, PF. :smiley: :wink: :smiley:

Umm… dunno. Let me talk to some people and figure some stuff out.

Spread the word amongst author friends / other writing communities and create an overwhelming and un-ignorable demand!

LOL is there a tentative date that I can share? Like even something as general as This fall! Or Next Spring!

You do realise that both Jaysen and vic-k are going to see that comment? Talk about “overwhelming” and “un-ignorable demand”… :unamused:

It’s usually October-ish, so if we’re to build an overwhelming and un-ignorable demand (without the, er, “ help” of vic-k & Jaysen) that would be a good time-frame to circulate.

Challenge accepted!

If you want to line up ducks, you need a mother duck. Setting a target date as soon as may be would probably help.

That presumes I want you to succeed! :wink:

That’s a very crude reply! However, just what kind of seeds do you want gr to suck?

Or are you concerned about your succession and hoping to line up GR …


Mr X

I see what you did there.

Excellent!!! Thank you. :smiley: Any particular link I should share? Or shall I just share this particular thread link?
And you guys are good with me giving some brief info? Something more than just “Write a novel in a day” as that sounds a bit intimidating. :open_mouth:

:open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: OMG :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: This is August!!!
runs around in pointless circles freaking out in panic
October is just around the corner!!!

Haha! :smiley:

Just tell ‘em that we’re gauging interest in running another one, it’ll be one Saturday in October if it goes ahead, and they can learn all about it at novelinaday.com
Feel free to steal any blurb from there or the FAQs to explain the event!

I ended up just adding the NiaD website link and also the LL NiaD FAQ. I just posted in Scribophile since I spend a lot of time there.
I did also add the link to this thread so they could create and overwhelming un-ignorable demand. :smiley:

Hi everyone - just wanted to wish all of you taking part this year huge luck. You’ll have a blast, and it’ll be so worth it.

I’m slightly envious, because I’m going to have to pass on it this year - too much crazy stuff going on in my life that doesn’t look like it’s going to go away anytime soon. Better for me to bow out than kid myself it’ll all be okay and then bail on the day. I’ll definitely look in and cheer you all on though. :slight_smile:

waves madly :smiley: Nice to see a face I recognize… :smiley:

St Louis cut Ribs…

What’s the plan? Mrs got all snarally when i mentioned “the pork chop is not fully cooked” in response to “why is there ANOTHER bottle of rum? is it that writing thing again?”

And just to make sure you feel the love, I penciled you in on the "fecal matter list’ below Mr K, but above any politicians.
