Revisit previous years events?

I’d have to check and make sure my work and life schedule would cooperate before committing to it, of course…but yes, I’d be interested.

Me! Me! Me! I would. :smiley:

Am I? We all inhabit one or more points in space. And since everything is “in space” aren’t we all “space” aliens the minute we move from point(s) to point(s) within our space.

So I think all definitions are open to my use of “space” aliens.

What better way to have me show up on a doorstep… Lock a favorite thread but tell everyone where you will be and when you will be there! We can hang out with our peg legs, eyepatches, videos of performant dolphins, eat mahi mahi (which is technically called “dolphin”) and try to figure out which of the patrons “aren’t from around here”. Heck, I’d be a legit alien myself!

That would make you a taking-up-space-alien.

Which is slightly better than the normal “waste-of-space alien” but less fun than the state after of few drinks of “wasted space-alien”.

I like this game!

You are perilously close to Douglas Adams “killed in a zebra crossing” territory here and I love it!

It’s all fun & games until someone starts the Vogon poetry…

Back on topic: I don’t know how I feel about rewriting the early books. Part of me is interested (anything that gets me writing fiction has a strong start) but at the same time it seems… “wrong” somehow. Maybe it feels more like an academic writing exercise than creating something new?

I don’t know.

Then again, Pigfender has proved he’s good at this, so maybe I should just trust him to pull it off.

My definitive answer: Maybe

I suspect that the Baconator would give you a different chapter making it a different experience entirely. Maybe you need to remind him at sign up time. Am I missing something obvious?

Maybe it’s the fact I see my efforts as writing a short story more than writing a novel. That or I’m a simpleton.

Honestly, when I read the finished book, I always think ‘oh, if only I’d known that…’ Then again it is spoiling an element of the fun - the magician’s reveal at midnight wouldn’t be quite the same.

Probably. But there’s a strong chance I am too.

Wait… what’s the choice here? :wink:

Do you want me to dispariage your taste in trousers publicly?
Do you want me to sing the praises of your coherency in drunken posts to internet forums?

It’s a tough decision.

Pangur has asked me to point out that certain knowledgeable entities on the Astral plane, have informed him that nom only wears trousers at his office. Whilst at home, when writing or relaxing , he wears a kimono.
Pangur thinks that’s a bit odd … but each to his own, I say.
Do take care

I myself am having that nom-sort of feeling.* And the sense of not creating something new (if that’s what that feeling is) is not (or not just) about one’s own chapter, but about the whole.


  • Is there something I can take for this?

This is what I was alluding to a while back. And it’s why I was wondering if we could think of a creative way forward. Instead of trying to recreate the same feeling by revisiting the old works, I wonder if there’s a way that we could do… I don’t know quite what… something new or something improved now that we know the endings of the books… making a tighter, more collaborative work somehow… just brainstorming “aloud”

Some interesting views here. Thanks everyone who has chipped in; I understand and appreciate both points of view. I’ll leave this thread here for others to add their opinions and suggestions, although for the moment at least there doesn’t seem to be a significant enough body of “yay”s to warrant a re-run.

One more question, if I may, to those who have reservations: Is your unease about whether you’d personally enjoy taking part as much, knowing it was a tale already told, or is part of the unease that re-running would diminish the earlier work?

But primarily the latter.


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