NiaD Episode VI: Return of the NiaD

It’s a colloqual term for “bone-in rib roast”; to distinguish from the kind that has the bone already removed, the longer term is “Marley bone”.

I tried Vic-k first, but he was napping.

Hi Vic-k!

The chapter count is up to three and I’m caught up with the questions for the moment.
I’m going to take a quick tea break away from the monitor. See you in a bit!

Anyone else listening to Christmas music?

No? Just me? Okay then.
As you were.


You’re nuts.

And this brief covers too much. I’m only halfway into the second of the 4 parts indicated and i’m at 1800. Anyone of my peers complaining about this one?

Yeah, that’s totally what I thought too… I miss that blissful innocence, now I have only five hours to go… :frowning:

Okay, firstly: 1800? You mean words, presumably since it’s 1505 here in the UK and 1006 where you are. You can always edit later – or go long. I’m confident you’ll get the pacing right! You don’t need to cover all the elements at the same detail or pacing.

You might be the first person in the history of NiaD to worry you’ve got far too much to write!?!

It’s definitely a tougher exercise than ‘a day to write a chapter’ suggests! :slight_smile:

Look at what you gave me! I have to build character, context, plot, subplot, alternate universes, time machines, introduce vic-k and ALL his personalities AND then make sure I cover the brief!

seriously though. I’m looking at 3K plus and that’s cutting a lot. I’ve cut half and I’m sitting on 2k with most of the brief left to go. What’s my upper limit?

There’s no upper limit, save that imposed by time and good taste. I think the most we’ve ever had is 4,200!?!

Not a plot point as such, but I’ve used the term “upstairs” for whoever the marley’s real boss might be. Anyone with an actual name in the plot summary I am assuming is no more than low-level management.

I am just throwing this in as a possibility, but I remember A Matter of Life And Death as being similarly vague.

I’ve not mandated anything other than the ones in your pack, Wolf.

Bet Mrs P has put the tree up…


Only 4200? Come on… That’s just me describing my breakfast! Well, I’m back up to 3.5k. I’ll start cutting more once I amke a quick pass. Still 2 sections to go.

Hey everyone,

Are we all crazy, or what?

Just thought I’d drop in here for a break.

I’ve had to work for some of the day so got up at around 5 am after waiting until after 1 am before the email arrived.

I wrote it longhand in a notebook and have been adding stuff while I type.

Today I set up a project in Scrivener and used the Short Story template which I’ve NEVER used before.
I might compile the story into a file and also paste it into an email when I’ve finished.

I’m working from the notes but it’s evolving.

About half of it is written. I’m over 1000 words now.

Unfortunately, it’s turning into comedy - but that’s what usually happens.

This has been a good exercise for me because I’m the worst procrastinator ever. One of my WIP’s is nearly 200,000 words long and there’s still no end in sight. Instead, I wrote the sequel, the prequel and the backstory of that. Will probably be starting with the Big Bang soon!
It will be nice to finish something.
PS Is there a new deadline for us as everything arrived so late? I’m still aiming to finish before 8pm, but just in case I don’t.

Yup, the revised deadline is 9pm.

No, but I may have included a It’s a Wonderful Life reference…

Forced into taking a pause by people who need the room where I’m writing. Almost done the first draft. I think I was at 2300? I’ll probably be at or approaching 3k.

Holy cow! Meanwhile I struggle to reach 1,500 words.

Yeah, just cos you have to get from A to C via B, doesn’t mean you can’t do ASDFGBVC.
Wow, keyboard-based humour. I rock on this little sleep.

Correction, I’ve just checked, and the record is 4,979. The good thing was that those 4,979 words were good, entertaining, added emotion and tension, and made the world we were writing a bigger place. There’s a reason why I use Keith’s chapter from Lunar520 as an example in the briefing pack!