Novel-in-a-Day 5: Go Set A NiaD

I am now going into genre-neutral lock down. Twenty hours and counting…

Counting down :slight_smile:


Excited to start my first NiaD! Just want to ask, if I have questions about the material I am sent, can I ask clarifying questions or is that all I have to go on? What is the normal practice?

Just make it up!

Seriously though, Piggy was a big help to me on my first NIAD. Just remember that you can NOT post publicly. PM or Email to the pigmeister is what you want. Vic-K is unreliable. The rest of the planet is doing NiaD so they are out.

Have fun.

Thanks. I just read a previous comment that it is more about having fun being creative than worrying too much about continuity differences and making it “paint by numbers.” Can’t wait!

Looking forward to doing this tomorrow! It makes it even more unpredictable by the fact I’m going out to a gig tonight, and then out again tomorrow around 5pm to see an ice hockey match…so I have the hungover/still slightly-drunk hours of around 9-4 tomorrow to get it done…

I’m not worried though - it’d actually be worse if I was stuck in all weekend, bored and sleepy and not pressured by deadlines. I studied journalism so having most of the day to do something is easy…! :neutral_face:

Just over two hours left, all! I’m so excited to get going on this!

Just hoping I manage my time differences properly. It’s 3:20pm here!



Ok, just to clarify…We have to submit by 2000hrs London Time tomorrow?

I thought it ran from midnight tonight to midnight tomorrow?

was I WRONG???lol

Yup. Rog needs time to do a light edit, if needed, and to assemble everything, and then sleep.


Wimp… :mrgreen:

Hey everyone. All packs have now been emailed!

If any haven’t arrived in the next 10 minutes let me know and I will resend!

Screen Shot 2015-10-17 at 10.05.43 AM.png



They’ve all been emailed so should be with you shortly. Yours has to go a long way, nom.


Nothing for me yet…

Okay - will try resending from a different email address to see if that’s any faster.

I got mine from the future! 6:13pm according to my email program, whereas my clock says 6:11 right now.

Julia’s has come through, just not mine. Weird.

I haven’t received mine yet either. Can you resend?

Thank you!

Does repeatedly clicking on “Check email” every3 seconds make it arrive sooner? Experience this end suggests otherwise, but maybe I haven’t tried long enough…
(darn, this took more than 3 seconds to type, now I’m behind)

EDIT: Looks like the 20 second break is what was needed. :wink:
(mine’s arrived)

EDIT 2: I’ve now read the email, so “Hi”. :smiley: