Novel-in-a-Day 5: Go Set A NiaD

Oh all right then, Piggly, since you ask me so nicely … count me in too, please!

Whatever you give me, I shall work in a cat, an orange and a piece of string again, because they’re my trademark (whisper … I really include them in case they’re the only interesting bits I can come up with, but don’t tell anybody) :wink:

I… Err… ok. Your secret is safe. I always try and work the phrase Reacher said nothing into everything. No, wait… that’s Lee Child. What’s my thing again?

Welcome back for another year!

You like to outline novels and post them to a forum in advance of the deadlines.

Sign me up! I participated in the 3 Day Novel contest last fall and it was a blast. Can’t wait…

Many thanks Rog,

It’s good to be back - I’m looking forward to taking part again!


Welcome to the forum, evergreen! I’ve sent you a direct message with next steps. :slight_smile:

Hi fellas! Long time no see…

Please, rog, count me in!

I’d love to join NiaD.

What now?

Purchase booze, harass Piggy, and determine what your chapter will cover not matter what Piggy sends you.

Or wait and Piggy will contact you. Most choose this option, but the first one … that’s fun.

Hi Fender,

RedOrion1 here. Enjoyed it last year. Looking forward to this year. Thanks.


I would like to join. This will be my first year and it sounds like a lot of fun. :slight_smile:

:smiley: If there is still room. I would love to join in on this.

Please tell me I’m not too late! This sounds fantastic!

Sign me up!

You’re not too late!
mysterious writer, neomarsu, katlovergilpinm, IanPhilpot welcome to the forum. I’ve sent you all a Direct Message with next steps!

RedOrion1, r6d2: Welcome back! :smiley:

I am!

I have to say, I’m disappointed by the considerable lack of mysterious symbols next to participant names this year. I had hoped for the swirly-m’jigger or a caret or something. It dons on me though that it’s a great privilege and honor to be counted among the rest of the gang. I always say, it’s the high point of my year in this dinky lil ole town. :smiley:

Welcome to all newcomers.

Jaysen, if you could only bottle that determination-and-persistence thing you got going … . If only.

Wants the ^. Gets the |.

Meanwhile Nom, and only Nom, gets crucificated …


Mr X

[size=150]That’s that sorted … anything else, Montree? :confused: [/size]

Mrs would like to assure everyone that I am, in fact, the same in person that I am on the forum. She called it “being an pain the the ”. She has no idea why you’d want that bottled, but believes my personality can be achieved by anyone simply by behaving like a spoiled 3 year old child. She warns that the “cuteness” of a 3 year old is not transferable to an adult.

Jaysen, great information to have. But, are you certain you understood my comment? :smiley:

As for carrots and carets, Vic-K, I enjoy the former sautéed with butter and sesame seeds. The latter fits best over the ‘u’ in an apple pie crust (croûte). I do entertain the other members of the family as their elder sibling is most content when paired with a larger companion, say 100? Her twin, however prefers to consort with that which is smaller in stature say, 24. All-in-all, I doubt yours is a true member of the family.