I’ve been holding off because the Aussie price reflects our falling dollar, so when I read “20% off stuff” I thought “Now’s my chance!”*. Alas, “Coupon expired.” :frowning:
If only I’d been able to go online last night…

[size=85]Because Australia is, as you know, entirely peopled with criminals* we don’t pay full price.
**At least according to Vizzini in The Princess Bride, and he was a genius. [/size]

You looking for a NiaD version of this?

You know something’s not right in the world when vic-k seems circumspect by comparison. :smiling_imp:

[size=150]BUNTING!! :laughing: Bloody brilliant! I would never’ve thought of that :laughing: :laughing:[/size]
Well done Bob :wink:

THAT’S RIGHT! I’d forgotten that it was you that started all this.

Yes, it’s too early. But maybe soon.

For early warnings of these things, there’s a new Twitter feed for NiaD stuff: @novelinaday

Twitter? Really? Vic-k is technically challenged enough as it is.

I’m not but twitter person (never actually used it … ever … for anything…) so I will miss bird brained communications unless they are here too…

You won’t miss announcements – all that will continue to be part of this community for as long as Keith and Co let me :slight_smile: – although you might miss this sort of engaging chatter:

Wait… NiaD in Spanish?

Didn’t you complain about doing it in english last year? And the year before? And the one before that? And …

Actually, that would be cool. I hope you get enough for several languages. Maybe you can do one in American and Hicklish. I’m good for that last one.

All the references to this fella[size=200]^[/size] :unamused: Is it a play on words, as in ‘faster than s**t of a shiny shovel?’ :confused:

redbubble.com/people/niad/wo … ite-monkey

Never having taken part in a Niad, if I bought one of these shirts, and (as Jaysen seem to be contemplating), stood in the middle of the village shopping promenade, wearing nowt else, and the law came along and arrested me … what could I be charged with? Would I be charged, as one would rightly assume, with gross indecency, which in this case is a euphemism for invoking a heightened state of sexual arousal and all but insatiable lust in the ambient female population, and excruciating, palpable jealousy, masking barely concealed wannabeism in the nearby males.

As aforementioned, not having earned the moral right to assume the mantle of a Niader, by actually taking part … could I be be charged with some kind of copy writeish violation/plagiaristic deviancy, in a quest for undeserved admiration and pedestalisation. Or wot!

In grateful anticipation of your help and guidance, my thanks.


The moral dilemma is not so difficult to overcome. For, I declare, there is none. I can prove, with out doubt to anyone, that you have participated in more than one NiaD. To wit:

  1. 2013 : you provided much encouragement to the participants via the forum. All evidence is in the forri.
  2. 2014 : you read the resultant work. Again, evidence it in the forri.

Those are the once I can personally attest to.

I therefore declare Vic-K a participant in the NiaD.

Also, Piggy put a lot of effort in to those shirts. Why else would they have taken 6 months to produce? You should support him.

But please, remember to … support yourself … in public. There are some things that age and gravity should not do to people. No need to ruin the hopes of the young.

Indecent, yes… But ‘gross’ is a bit hard on yourself. I’m sure Mrs-K would be happy to so testify.

As for the moral rights, y’got no problems there. If you like the design, and don’t mind having random attractive people of your own personal sexual preference staring at your chest admiringly in public and maybe introducing themselves*, then THIS IS THE SHIRT FOR YOU.

    • not guaranteed

Seriously, two important things to consider: 1) anyone can buy it. It’s not just for participants, it’s for anyone who feels any affiliation to the event or the design. 2) no one should feel obligated to buy one. I’m not holding stock, and have no investment to recover or anything like that.

Also, what Jaysen said about you being part of it and all that.

Dang it. I was just being nice. I was hoping that you would say “no no no… Jaysen participated (much to our chagrin) but you sir … you are just a bystander. BWAHAHAHAhahahahaoughhackcough”

Humor fols. Just me making a sad attempt at being humorous. I really need to work on that.

In more seriousness, the question of “what is participation” really has changed. The fan participates via support (funding). Then with things like NaiD there is a very direct support that Vic-k, L&L (as a company not just the crew authoring chapters), and the many many others provide to NiaD combatants. I often overlook the participation of my wife and kids in my occupation, but in their absence I see how much my success has depended on their direct participation in my life even though their activities are ancillary to the actions that result in a paycheck. The modern ability to send a txt or email like “I forgot to check the iron, did I turn it off?” and have peace of mind clearing one’s thoughts to focus on work at hand, is fairly new to society. Participation is as much “being there” as it is “doing it”.

But I digress. Viv-k, please put on your pants. Piggy was not giving you permission for that.

Forri? :confused:
FORRI: Forest Resources Research Institute.
FORRI: Frontier and Offshore Regulatory Renewal Initiative
How the 'ell have they gorr’old of my spewtisms!!? :open_mouth: :imp:

the intarwebulations. They goes ev’ywhere

It’s a new keyboard and spectacles that you need, pal. Can’t blame everything on t’internet! :open_mouth:

Perhaps a happy attempt would be more successful?*
[size=85]*Just me trying to prove that others can also post humour so lame it needs crutches.[/size]

Serious point. The world needs protecting. Or to put into words a HAW would understand…

Hmm, yeah… you can. I think maybe you need a new search engine. :unamused:

I offer Billy Shakespeare’s riposte, who, having endured the opprobrium, vilification, and castigation of the pseudo-sophisticates he encountered, after he’d spewed up the 13 pints of cider he’d previously consumed, having mistakenly entered the RED LION’s Cocktail Lounge, instead of its, École de Débat Philosophique, proffered,
“Without being exposed to the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, how the feck are yer systems gonna build up a resistance to 'em … eh?”
One senses a concurrence impulse ricocheting off the walls of one’s cranial cavity.

That, Mr. Piggie, would be my seriously-Loki personality. Yes, perhaps I bear some responsibility (but no guilt) for the t-shirt chapter of NIAD’s dress code. Hopes dashed, as there’s no NIAD 2015 thread sighting at this juncture, I’ve contented my self with leaving my fingerss poised over the keys in anticipation. The rest of me has gone off to do other things. Twitter? Seriously? All of my personalities have followed with glee!