Novel-in-a-Day 4.0: Live Free or NiaD

Iā€™m trying to crack the codeā€¦ My guess so far is that itā€™s sort of an indication of NiaD previous experience.

  • ^ means 3 NiaDs so far
  • " means 2 NiaDs so far
  • ā€™ means 1 NiaD so far

Interesting indeed. It might even have a sort of ā€œchoose your adventureā€ structure.

Have you considering to allow people write two different chapters? (I donā€™t mean two versions of the same chapter, but two whole chapters).

that must leave

    • fresh meat

Iā€™m definitely up for it. Did I see somewhere that you would like to see an example of writing of people who havenā€™t participated before? Happy to do so.


Yes please! Iā€™ve sent you a forum message with details.

Please count me in. Hello to everyone :smiley:

~ Elle


Iā€™d love to be counted in for this year! Had a great time last year!



Roger, Elle, WELCOME!
FleetAdmiralO, WELCOME BACK! Not bad. 21 participants and weā€™ve only been live a couple of days.

For those keeping score, I now have the two paragraph version of the plot, and the POOEE questions!

OMG!, are we going to paraphrase one of the great Edgar Allan POEā€™s works this year? :mrgreen:

Sign me up!


No worries! Given this yearā€™s format, pigfender ( :smiling_imp: ) can give you the very same chapter as Bywater.

Question: Given the new ā€œmultiple versions of a segment possibleā€ procedure ā€“ which sounds excellent to me ā€“ I wonder if perhaps you could add one more option for the volunteers? Besides being able to opt into/out of gore, could we ask to be assigned to a segment with multiple writers?

The reason I ask is that at present my schedule for that time period is kind of iffy. Under the old rules I simply wouldnā€™t sign up this go round because of the real possibility of not being able to write that day.

But if I could know that either way there wouldnā€™t be a hole because someone else would also be writing that segmentā€¦?

I think Iā€™m going to deny that one. If the project doesnā€™t have that horrid gut churning fear of letting everyone downā€¦ well then it doesnā€™t have the same drive to complete, the same pressure to inspire creativity, or the joy of submission.

In other words, if you drop out, youā€™ll still leave a hole.

Iā€™d also reiterate that early sign-up makes my life much easier!

One thing I WOULD consider, is if a participant was inviting a bunch of people from their writing group along, then Iā€™d be happy to arrange it so that they were all different chapters and in the same version of the book.

So yesā€¦ this year you can encourage your writing pals to join instead of keeping it a secret from them in the fear that theyā€™d steal your place.

Iā€™m in. Where do I sign? ā€¦ She reaches for the quill, dips it in the blood of the morningā€™s sacrifice and writes ā€¦ ā€œI MontrĆ©e Whiles ā€¦ yada, yada, yada.ā€

Works out well my upcoming request for time off coincides with this auspicious day. Itā€™s not unequal in importance to Unification Day (aka: Brown-Coat Day). Iā€™ve set every device in my apartment to sound the claxon on this day of all days ā€¦ .

See you all there!

I wish I could join in with this, but I canā€™t.

Good luck to everyone.

ā€¦ the quill drips the deep red ooze which stains itā€™s tip. I, MontrĆ©e Whilesā€¦

Dadnabit! Iā€™m in. NIAD 2014ā€¦ bring it on!

Iā€™m in, if you can tolerate a bit of Southern American English.

When the ink gets to flowing, I can tolerate anything, Asbestos_Dust. I donā€™t think a little Southern style English will be a problem.

Please would love to take part

Welcome back homeport, glad youā€™re back this year.