Vic-k and a three word story

"Haaaallelujaaaah! … Hallelujah! … Haaaalleeeeluuuuuujaaaaaaaah!

accompanied the processional

, hymnal outpourings from

Stockport’s finest chanteuses

, ‘The Dominatrixes’ Chorale’

In contrast, Antipodean

never seen before

now, waggled her

copious adipose tissue

, provocatively at Mum-n-Maud

Maude responded by

utilising ‘digitus impudicus’

as cultural respect

sought domicile elsewhere

, while Belinda remained

revamping the website

, with Princess Lucinda … my-8436046

y’ couldn’t make it up :unamused: could y’?

. "Vic=ky, come here

not that you haven’t tried…

…" echoed faintly from

the ethereal otherworld