How big is your Scrivener project?


I am using Scrivener for writing my doctoral thesis. The project contains the draft, notes, excerpts of my readings and some important papers. Right now, I have over 500 text files in the project file. They are only RTF, no PDFs, so its only 30 MB. - But I am still in the beginning and expect to have thousands of files soon in it. Hopefully.

I am just curious about how big are your biggest project files?

Greetings, Karl


I am about half way through writing my PhD thesis and my Scrivener file is 99 MB. This includes research files, which are all most entirely .rtf, a few photos, drafts of the chapters, and planning documents. I typically create a first draft of a chapter by writing individual sections as separate documents, hence I create a lot of small files initially that are then collapsed into a chapter once I am satisfied with the structure of the chapter. Scrivener, despite some frustrations with the way footnotes are handled, has made the writing process far easier than in Word.

And here I was thinking my 10.1 MB File for a novel was large… That includes one novel, the previous novel (Far easier than bouncing between two projects for references…) and a few PDF files…

I have 872 MB. That ist because I dictate parts of my text and keep the audiofiles within scrivener.


I just looked at my project and discovered it’s grown to 5.6 GB. A few months ago, I was disappointed because I kept running up against my free Dropbox limit of 2.25 GB! Obviously those fond Dropbox days are gone because this project isn’t getting smaller anytime soon.

2.5GB for DropBox? Why…? I have 9.5 GB for free. Didn’t you take advantage of the beta period, 1.3.17 which you can pick from the forum, and when you upload 4.5 GB of Picture Files through the autouploader they offer you a liefetime 4.5 GB + 500MB. And there is extra 3GB for Androud-Users trying out the new photo-update stuff.
Later on you can delete the files and use the gained GB for whatever you want.

I think if you gather all freeby-MB dropbox has offered by now, you would have >20GB of free cloud-Space.

My projects are about 200 Meg and 400 Megas.

My total project, with Scrivener files, references, images, videos and dummis as well as print ready pages is close to 100 GB. The latest version of my Scrivener project in itself is ca. 49 MB. This is for a 340 page large format (245x225 mm) textbook on photography with more than 500 pictures.

Currently working on a 32Mb Scrivener project.

No videos. Not many PDFs or notes. What it does have, however, are the first six books in the first series, and now the first of three books in the second series – keyword-tagged to hell and back. The first books were, furthermore, ripped from the as-published ebooks by Tor and reimported and re-tagged from scratch (only the last two of them were written in Scrivener back in the early days). Here’s the first.

So I’m now up to 718,500 words and aiming to hit 900,000 words in this project by next September 1st (or else my editor will throw a strop) … and searching has begun to take a few seconds! Who knew? :open_mouth:

I have two big projects, both concerned with my classroom teaching. No videos, an occasional powerpoint, some images, mostly forms, student portfolios, readings, etc. I collapsed and selected all top level folders (including trash) and used Project statistics to compare them. One is about 327MB and has 700,000 words. The other is about 535MB and has 550,000 words. My next largest file, an edited book, about 450 pages in published form, is about 110MB. It has several powerpoints from the initial workshop, comments, pdfs, etc., and that has about 650,000 words. The two largest files are slow, and I’m going to clean them out. The book file is ok. I’m puzzled by this variation if it’s real (Project Statistics might be the wrong tool for the job). Any thoughts on this?
I’m amazed that I can have all three projects open on the desktop of my new iMac (8GB memory) and moving between them is like skating on clear ice. Kudos for the Scrivener team!