L&L Cabin thread...or something like it

I have this one story, see, and I’ve hacked away at it for months now, and every so often I print it out, sit down with a glass of… well, never mind, I sit down and read through the latest draft and say to myself, in all candor, that if I could only justify the backstory and keep track of weather and describe the two main characters and clarify their motives and fill a gaping hole or two in the narrative arc, it would really be pretty good.

I mean, the dialogue is OK.

So, ignoring the obligations of grumpy old men (mea culpa, Vic) I admit the idea sounds good.


That’s OK…I have a pile of books for research. I have a setting. I have a rough idea of a plot. But that’s about it. I’m thinking of basing the main character off my nieces, because I think their healthy skepticism of all things over the age of 30 would serve the main character well.

I had an idea once. Then I sat staring at the screen. A flurry of activity and I had micro controller code to replace the instrument cluster of ODBII based ECUs in vehicles. The idea is in there some where, but I think I’ll need to find my head first. That will be the most difficult part for me.

I’m using Camp NaNoWriMo to kick my butt and get back into writing my Nano story from last year. I’ve recently bought Scapple, and I’m hoping that with Scrivener is going to help me continue a story I’m actually enjoying. I just wish I had dedicated more time to learning how to utilise all features of Scrivener…


Welcome! There are a lot of clever people here. (And Scapple looks cool. Not ported to Windows/Linux yet.)

I’ve finally gotten under way. My goal is modest for the month: 15,000 words. It’s a short story set on a space station. Can’t imagine where I got that idea from. :stuck_out_tongue:

Augh. Mom of my fiance is in town. So writing time is limited. :frowning:

So, how’s it going, fellow Campers? My aim for the month is to get properly underway with a new novel, so I’m not intending having 50k works of cohesive words by the end of July – just the fleshed-out concept, plot skeleton, characterisation and maybe 20k or so of isolated scenes. So far, I’m pleased with progress, and I have got three lovely Scapple boards, which is proving useful to me in a way that I didn’t expect. Two of these are concept boards, one for each of the themes/threads I want to write about, and the third is a plot board, in which an overall layout or plan is gradually evolving (and constantly being changed).

I’ve restarted several times, because my initial ideas went walkabout and planted the plot firmly and inextricably in an environment and part of the country about which I know nothing and which I don’t want to write about. Sadly, this renders irrelevant some of the scenes I have written already, but I suppose it’s all good practice! :slight_smile:

Hope you’re all getting on well, and (most of all) enjoying it!

Sounds a lot like life, Mistress Astrid (human life, obviously).
Good Luck

Mom of my fiance is in town, so I haven’t had much time. I have a hell of a time thinking up place names, so that’s my area of procrastination, when I do have time. :confused:

I’ve been ill the last several days, so not much progress has been made. I’m taking a brief pause to examine the emerging structure of my plots, because the story is beginning to fall victim to my typical first draft aimless flailing about. Maybe if I figure out what’s missing, I’ll be able to overcome the lethargy of the post-summer-cold I’m experiencing now.

Jeezzz!!! Bob…that sounds painful. :open_mouth:

Cold remedy: Jameson in hot water, with a slice of lemon. Don’t know a cure for your structures though. :confused:
Get better soon.

Vic, I’m confused. Does the slice of lemon go in the hot bath or in the Jameson? :blush:

Australian… confused. Each is synonymous with the other. Unfortunately there is no known cure. Not even Jameson, Holy Amber Distillation can help ease the symptoms… even with lemon. To quote Friedrich Engels : “Removed from the sight of happier classes, Australians may struggle along as they can”. Sorry Mate :frowning:

I thought the bath WAS Jamesons. Vic-k needs to provide us some better assembly instructions.

We love it when the British think that. It means our subterfuge is succeeding and we can feel all smug and superior. And enjoy our weather. And beaches. And fresh food. And mild winters. And…

True. ButI’s a bath I’ll remember for a long* time.

[size=85]At least the first part of the bath. It stings a bit (& in places you don’t want to sting) but after a while you get kinda numb and even the lemons seem muted. Mrs nom was unimpressed, but that was partly because we don’t have a bath so I’d blown up the kiddie pool*. The hardest part was heating the Jameson’s and carrying it out to the bath in buckets.
Partly because of the pool, but mostly because she wouldn’t let me drain it on the lawn so I had to drink my way out.* In retrospect, I can understand why she wasn’t impressed by that.
***Which also explains why the first part of the bath was more memorable. [/size]

I met my 10k goal!!! Woohoooooooooooo!

Doe anyone know long the Scrivener discount coupon lasts for. I hoping I’ll be able to use it on Win 2.0! cheeky grin

Yay! Someone met his/her goal. This month has been an “ugh.” for me.

Hmmm. I seem to have got sidetracked…