Novel-in-a-Day 2: The Revenge

apparently there were two chapters (15&16?) which were duplicates.

Yes, I know. I just thought the telegraphic form of the posting was worth a comment!

I guess my sense of irony and humour doesn’t get across, and there are no smileys on this thread as it was started by Keith.

Actually, kudos to Keith too … not only did he churn out nearly 5000 words on the day, he also managed to keep up with answering tech questions on the forum at the same time.



all three were updated

Hi Pigfender can I ask what you use to format to ebook please, its very good

:open_mouth: I hope you are joking - he uses Scrivener, of course! :slight_smile: (I hope he did, anyway!)

Yes I know, but it woke you up:)

I enjoyed myself, though I did not have the time to devote to it that I would have liked. Hopefully soon, I’ll have some time to give it a read.

I’m embarrassed to realize just now that I had dragged all of the source material into a scrivener project’s Draft folder, which refused to import the image of the ship’s layout. Because I overlooked that file, I failed to note that the airlock was adjacent to the largest of the areas in the ship. headslap. So, if you find it odd that I say there’s only really room for 2 people to work at the entrance to the airlock, that’s why.

I meant to add a large grinning smiley and he never appeared lol

No, you’re right, it woke me up. :slight_smile:

I have to say though it really is brilliant and you should feel proud looking at the end result.
Hey and all these budding authors, you should maybe think of a publishing house next:)

I just wanted to pause & thank Pigfender again. It seems he has put in an huge amount of effort to make this whole thing work and he’s done a truly splendid job. I’m impressed that he was able to conceive of, and outline, the plot (don’t tell me how it ends, I’m still reading!). But that wasn’t enough. He then had to chunk it into 25 coherent chapters; brief 24 other writers with just enough (but not too much!) information; which meant he had to prepare those 25 briefs, plus character sheets, science briefs, set designs and a style guide. Then he coordinated all the offers and set a date. But as if that still wasn’t enough, on the day of NIAD he answered questions from us all during the day, wrote a chapter himself, edited chapters as they were sent, compiled them all and published the result in 4 different formats. Presumably he slept a little, ate some food and managed to include some breathing as well.

All I can say is… well, actually I don’t know what to say. “Thank you” just doesn’t seem enough.

To the great PF: I want you to know that the your efforts were worthwhile and truly appreciated. The process was a great challenge and the finished result is a lot fun. I learnt a lot about myself as a writer through the efforts of preparing my chapter, and an awful lot more about the craft of writing from reading the final result. Definitely, absolutely, worthwhile. You created something joyous.

If there’s a NIAD 3, I’m in.

Another triumph of preparation and organisation, Herr Schweinkotflügel…bravo! :slight_smile:
Scottie’s post should be appended to every future iteration of NIAD.

I agree entirely with nom’s post above. I was impressed by how smooth you made the whole experience for us. At least I felt like I had the information I needed, I knew the deadline, and the rest was up to me. Pigfender kindly and quickly answered all my newbie questions and made me feel part of the group by simply assuming I’d do my best. The final product (now I’ve finished it) is really a very good read, despite my chapter!

This was, in sum, great. I’ve shared the link with my friends, although they’re mostly Spanish-speakers. But maybe we’d start something alike in Spanish if there’s enough interest, you’ve inspired us!

Thanks all for the nice words. Hope you enjoyed both the journey and the destination.

To answer one of the questions that popped up here: Yes, the ebook versions were both compiled using the Windows version of Scrivener. The PDF version was first compiled to MS Word where I added a cover and changed where the page numbering started, and then saved as a PDF. That’s it.

I’ve attached the Compile Settings file (used for all three compiles) which you can unzip and import into your own Windows version and play with alongside the .scriv file to see how everything was pulled together. (1.44 KB)

Aw shucks. blushes

blushes my tootie!!

Definite yes to both. :slight_smile:
Will the compile settings work on Macs as well? I haven’t got access to my Mac for a few days else I’d just try it to see.

Much as we love you mate, I think we’d rather not know what blushes your tootie, especially when you’re protesting nude outside the ex-Red Lion.

I was only being polite, there, pal! I was gonna say, ‘blushes my arse’, but certain elements of Scriv’s crew are crucified with delicate sensibilities. Of course, I don’t include Bywater in that group.

NOM ASKED: will the compile settings work on the mac?

No, sorry. While the project file is a consistent format that works cross platform, the preferences files aren’t because of all the different options on the compile settings.

I don’t have a mac, but if anyone cares enough I can write out longhand what the settings are so they can be recreated by someone with access to such technology.