Working with MindNode

Hi guys,

Currently, I’m writing my PhD. thesis with Scrivener. First, I use MindNode Pro not only to develop the rough structure of each chapter, but also to structure the draft version of the central thoughts and enter the citations that I’m going to use. After that, I start writing in Scrivener. Thereby, I do have to look constantly at the citations, ideas, etc. in my MindMap. Unfortunately, Scrivener does not support importing a MindNode document. Ideally, I would like to use the Toggle Split feature to view my scrivener document on the right and my mind map on the left. The only solution I came up with is to use MindNode Pro to export the mind map to a PDF, import the PDF in Scrivener, toggle split the screen, and then start writing.
This works fine. However, if I go back to MindNode, edit my mind map, re-export it again to the same PDF, then go back to Scrivener, click on the “reload file” icon, the PDF in Scrivener is not updated. I assume, the PDF is not linked to my Scrivener project, but rather imported. Is that so? Is their a solution?

Thanks a lot!

Are you using Mac OS X Lion or greater? Scrivener obviously cannot be programmed to parse every file format out there, even just programming one display-only parser for one program would entail a lot of work—after all the programmer(s) at Mind Note spend all of their time working on such a thing. However OS X 10.7+ allows third-party software like Scrivener to tap into Quick Look data, and it has been programmed to do so if the file format has a QL preview. For example if you drop a .pages document into the Binder, you’ll be able to flip through the pages much like viewing a PDF.

So my suggestion is contact the MindNote authors and ask them to generate proper Quick Look data for their file format. It’s something they should probably wish to do anyway as it makes their format work better with the Mac in general, but it also gives third-party software a nice and standardised way to display their files.

[size=80]Scrivener Interactive Tutorial displayed in MindNode[/size]

Of course, both programs are also OPML compatible, which means you can export and import hierarchic data from them. A binder outline can be expressed as a mind map, and a mind map as a binder outline. But that’s more a solution for having finished one phase of how you plan and moving on to the next, rather than round-tripping—unless you use Markdown or something, since formatting cannot be conveyed in OPML (and I’m not sure if MindNode Pro can even handle node comments via OPML—Lite doesn’t, so all text is lost).


Thank you very much for your answer! I will contact the developer. Though, it is certainly going to take ages until he implements this standard feature!!! He has been promising iCloud since last year! The compatibility between the iOS and OS version of MindNode is anything but smooth! This is of course hardly your fault.

How about my PDF question? How can I link the pdf to my scrivener project so that it shows the updates. Now I have to delete the pdf in scrivener and re-import it whenever I make some changes.
BTW, I’m using File -> Import -> Files to import my PDF file.

p.s.: I’m using Mountain Lion - the best OS in the entire galaxy (as far as we know) :smiley:

How about Import > Research Files as Aliases…

Does that work?



Great Idea! Thank you very much!

Yeah, using aliases instead of full imports is a good way to handle many problems. You can also load imported files directly out of the Binder in other applications for editing. The button for that is in the footer bar for the editor. For instance if you right-click that button you can choose between the various programs on your system capable of loading a PDF file. Changes made to the file will be saved back into the project version and will show up after you look at it again or click the refresh button beside the application button.