upload from alphasmart Dana

I am doing NaNo for the first time. I tried uploading what I have to Scrivener but had some problems. Can anyone tell me how to successfully complete the upload. Thanks.

Hi west,

It’s some time since I did it, but this is what I recall. What I didn’t do was use the Alphasmart Manager application. Instead I simply connected the Alphasmart to a USB port, opened the Scrivener document into which I wished to pour my previously Alphasmarted meanderings, set the Scrivener cursor at the appropriate point, and pressed - ahem! - a key on the Alphasmart keyboard. I can’t at the moment remember which key, because the Alphasmart and its manual are currently in a suitcase, but it was all quite straightforward. Immediately the text started appearing in Scrivener, character by character, as if a very fast typist was knocking it out*. Brilliant! (Now the poor old faithful Alpha has been superseded in its role by a spanking new Air, but that’s another story…)


  • I think this works by convincing the Mac/Scrivener that the Alpha is a replacement keyboard.

So we can assume that you selflessly denied yourself costly root canal treatment after all. tch!tch!tch! Which must mean that you are suffering for your art (craft) :open_mouth: Laudable! (in some books). :confused:


:blush: But the root-canal patient needed something to cheer himself up…

Thank you I’ll give this a try.


I followed your instructions and it worked perfectly like you said.

Thanks again.


Glad to be of help.