Monty Fowler
Author of The Watchers of Ur: Cradle.
As a new author, I had some trepidation about trusting my scribblings to a standard word processing application. Too many bizarre formatting gremlins inhabit that world. So after doing some research, I found Scrivener. From the first evening filling my cork board with scene ideas, to the later stages of the project when I would spin out a quick EPUB or MOBI or PDF document for my editor or beta readers, Scrivener always had the right tool for the job. As an iPad owner, the sync feature with SimpleNote has unshackled me from my MacBook and allowed me to have a viable writing desk anywhere I travel. And isn’t that really the point of any good tool? To allow the artisan to shape his world without making special accommodations for the tool.
Independent authors, who want to truly compete with the big six stable of writers, must make quality their top concern. Even though we may sell our works for pennies or a few dollars, the reader expects our product to be equal to the traditional publishers. Scrivener allows independent authors to publish their work, in a variety of popular formats, with the click of a button. The results are magical.
So Bravo to my new friends at L&L for creating a truly wonderful tool for the modern 21st century writer. I pledge to sing the praises of Scrivener far and wide throughout the land!