Colin Shelbourn
Author of Drawing Cartoons.
Being a total word processor slut, I’ve used and abused most Mac writing programs in my time. Over the course of 16 books, I’ve gone from the early versions of Write and Word 5.3 to more advanced, fully featured apps. Now I’ve abandoned them all in favour of Scrivener. From first firing it up, it was obvious that considerable thought and intelligence had gone into producing a program which works exactly the way I work. I was flattered to bits. When I begin a book, I used to buy a wallet file and all the research, drafts, notes and sketches would go in there, sorted by chapter. My latest book, Drawing Cartoons, was a complex project but instead of the wallet file, everything went into Scrivener. It worked like a dream. And I love the way you can use those parts of the program which are useful to you NOW and the rest just stays out of the way.