first book, happy but nervous

hello hello hello there, Carrot Stick here! ^^
New to Scrivener and so far, i find it to be absolute love <3 it’s really fun to play with, and it seems like there’s always something to do. So money well spent, yea?
my first book is out (omg omg omg, i’m shaking so much, i’m practically standing still)

Escape from Insanity out on Amazon and Nook 2.99 cough also in paperback cough (woot woot! (^o^)/ )

i think i’m nervous about being understood, but i’m happy i got it out there! > : D
well, alrighty then. Jaa~ ^^

Congratulations! :smiley:


Congratulations, but remember that you are now also into advertising and sales.
So, provide us with a LINK and drive us to your book’s page:
There you go, some free PR and no finder’s fee. :wink:

Good Luck!

Congratulations - always a great, but scary moment. Promotion is the next hurdle, but I’m sure you’ll get tips from than here on the community.