Search for Icons

I’m loving Scrivener 2.0 so much that I hesitate to ask for improvements, but here goes. Would it be possible to implement search for Icons? From looking at the file architecture with Textmate, it seems that Icons are saved by name much like any other metadata. So I’m thinking that adding search would probably be fairly easy and allow for another searchable form of metadata that is more widely visible than the custom metadata, if you get my meaning. I’d love to assign separate icons to designate the type of note (e.g. “list” or “quotation”) and then be able to search for them. For the moment, I’ve set up a custom metadata field that matches the name of the icon, but it’s a bit clumsy and requires double entry.

Anyways, thanks for Scrivener, it’s a beautiful piece of work.


Huh, interesting idea. Of course the first thing I tried to do was see if I could sort a column by Type, but I had forgotten that Type, Title, and Synopsis have all been combined into an integrated column. :slight_smile: I do agree with you though, an icon is a form of meta-data. Not everyone may use it that way (and to an extent it wasn’t designed to be used that way, but nothing is really holding it back in that design), but I think many will and already are.

Maybe in 2.5 or 3.0. :slight_smile:

Thanks for considering it. That would be great.

Can you imagine how awesome 4.0 is going to be?

Error: Divide by zero on the wonderful front. Does not compute. :slight_smile:


4.0 is going to be fully conscious and debate your grammatical constructions.

I just wanted to be the first to quote you on that, I’m sure I won’t be the last… :stuck_out_tongue:

The core will be called Mr. Stengel. Rumour has it, he’s already poking his head into a few aspects of Scrivener.

Sorry to see this wasn’t taken seriously. Searching for Icons would be useful, visual (much more so than “Custom Metadata”), flexible (since it’s easy to change Icons and their searchable names) and no harder to implement than any other current search for metadata. Yes, it would require a bit of explanation, but nothing too onerous. Equating this “no brainer” with consciousness is a bit dismissive, no?

No, since the consciousness reference had nothing to do with the op or the request and was clear in response to Eddy. This is a very old thread, but there are no plans to implement search for icons at this time, sorry.