Scrivener won't open after closing without PC reboot

New to Scrivener. While still in trial mode and now after purchasing, often after I close the program I can’t open it again without restarting my PC. I see the timer for a few seconds then nothing. Using Windows 10. Please advise. Thanks.

I’m a long-time Scrivener user. I’m frequently experiencing the same problem.

I can’t say that it happens every time. I tend to use Scrivener once a day and I often find when I start it up that it goes “not responding” and I have to reboot the PC to get it to work.

Used Scrivener for years on this Win 7 machine now experiencing same no start attitude.
Delete program, download, reinstall, sometimes loads on start up and sometimes not.

Is this a version update thing or something else??

Not sure what has happened to the Scrivener we used to enjoy working with.

Strange the no response to issues now days.

Thank you


I’m almost certain it has something to do with the software change when they switched their e-commerce provider to Paddle–I haven’t been able to run Scrivener on my Win 7 laptop since then (it’s continually “not responding”). The supposed “fixes” they’ve released have not resolved the issue. It’s incredibly frustrating since I used to use my laptop almost 100% of the time, and now I have to run Scrivener on my desktop which has really cut down on my productivity (thankfully it still works on that computer!). I sure hope their next major release is free to all Windows users, since they really messed up with this one.


While L&L does hang out here, these forums are mostly peer-to-peer support.

To communicate directly with L&L Support, submit a support ticket.


How far back in version updates does one have to go to avoid the “Paddle Effect?”
I am a long way from home and a working version and need a solution.



You can’t, really, because the old license service is no longer operating. Hence the need to upgrade to the version that uses Paddle instead of eSellerate.

Have you installed .NET Framework 4.5 runtime (or higher) on your machine? The new Paddle code requires a newer version of the .NET runtime than the rest of Scrivener 1.9.x.

Yep, reloaded .NET Framework 4.52 and Scrivener opened once then kaput, no more.
Has anyone actually resolved this issue or do they just move on to something else??


Have you contacted technical support?

Go To Learn and Support
Go To Common Questions
Find Scrivener For Windows
Select “See All”
Look in Column on Left for Fixing “Not Responding” with Compatibility Settings
Select This Line and follow directions.

So far it has opened for me a number of times. YMMV


They are busy.


I reported it to support just now, enclosing a detailed error message from the License Manager.