Installing Scrivener On Windows When Previously Purchased For Mac

Hello all,

I need some help. I previously purchased Scrivener for Mac but now I am trying to install on my Windows.

The serial codes provided in the receipt does not work after trying to enter the license to activate…

Can someone please help?

Umm… I believe you’ll need to buy a separate licence for Windows, unless you bought a Mac+Windows bundle. :frowning:

If you already have a Mac license, you can buy the Windows license at a discount.

Details here: [URL removed, as a cross-grade discount is no longer available]

Thanks for the quick replies. I am looking into obtaining the discount code now! :smiley:


I have done the opposite. I have bought a Windows Scrivener, but now have got a Mac. Do I have to buy it again too?? Is there a discount at all for purchasing Mac if have already done so on Windows?

Many thanks,


Yes, you have to buy a Mac license, but see this page for a discount: [URL removed, as a cross-grade discount is no longer available]

Remember, the Windows 1.9 version is not directly compatible with the Mac 3 version.


Great thank you! I’ve just seen this. I’ve contacted your sales team because it’s not recognising my email address.

An update from July 2019

Just to clarify that following our move to a different e-commerce and licensing provider, we are no longer able to offer cross-grade discounts, so the URLs mentioned above are no longer valid.

All the best,