Can I import a Photograph File?

I’m guessing that scrivener won’t or doesn’t allow to import a photo file into the left hand column. A simple, “That’s right blogger” would mean saving me a lot of time researching something that seems to not be in scriveners capacities, thanks!

It depends on what you mean by “left hand column”. AFAIK you can’t add an image to the biinder, but you can add an image to an item within the binder.

You can absolutely add an image to the binder, just not in the Draft (aka: Manuscript, aka…) folder. Try the Research folder, or create another top-level folder and drag your image files there.

Actually, you can add images to items in the draft folder, too.

Yes, you can add an image to the contents of any editable text file in the draft folder, but I think the issue the OP is having is they’re trying to add the image file directly to the binder. Dragging it into any other folder, including the root of the binder, should work if that’s what’s being attempted.

Could be. It was hard to figure out exactly what was meant.

Thank You for you’re feedback, I will explore a bit. :slight_smile:

Thank You for you’re feedback, I will explore a bit. :slight_smile:

Thank You for you’re feedback, I will explore a bit. :slight_smile: