Scrivener for iOS - When?

Morning UK time could be any time from now until 10 hours from now. We want the exact minute, so we can sit with our iOS devices and get it immediately as its released. :wink:

You all complaining about time zones, that’s cute. I’m the one that has to stay up until 03:00 to be around for the launch! :mrgreen: Lots of latte.

So wait, you’re saying its going to be 11am in the UK?

That is a possibility, it could be the beginning of a possibility, or an end of one, or somewhere in the middle!

It’s just a button? :open_mouth:

Getting you a nice cup of virtual latte…special selection. (Scrivener selection, Costa Rican)

I actually feel your pain…been there done that as working media…using Wordpress from fire lines :smiley:

Can’t wait to transfer a long project been working on to scrivener. Can I do entries directly from scriv to Wordpress? Thst could be nice, speaking of those wild fires

Oh and on that note, started the process, including getting those footnotes to behave in Scrivener. I had to literally remember how to do that in Scriv. Working on a non fiction piece on the Democratic Party realignment. So yes, that thing has a boatload of footnotes. Now if Kindle was nice enough to open in the two screen in the IPAD… would make taking notes easier. Ah small gripes, It does on the Mac though.

But moving from one application to another, so now I can work on the phone and the Ipad pro… which I did upgrade partly in preparation for this release, partly it was starting to fail after quite a bit of abuse.


Did I mention I got that IPAD four for that release of IOS Scrivener? Go ahead, laugh… I think it is actually kind of funny. My Macbook pro might need a replacement soon as well. Thinking of going full 17 inch. My eyes are getting old.


No, it’s a button and go to the gym. So, it’s not just a press, it’s a full press workout. :wink:

It’s here… Sorta!!

I’m hoping it’s just the AppStore being slow and not having updated fully…

Hi everybody

No Scrivener on the french App Store too !
Still waiting…


Austria is mobile Scrivener-land now :slight_smile:

Some hickups with the store, could be I bought it twice…

What about slightly off to the hazy side, trying to hide in front of transparent enemy curves?

here in Oz :slight_smile:

Gotta catch em all. Oh wrong trending news. I got my iPad and iPhone versions at 09:03 this morning. :slight_smile:

It’s ok… Was a AppStore glitch being slow…/ managed to grab it as soon as it appeared properly…

So who purchased first :wink: ???

Got it in Hong Kong. I followed the link given on the blog. … ?ls=1&mt=8

Main homepage updated, and Scrivener for iOS page now up on the site!

I’d been checking the app store, and not seeing it. But then I followed a link from MacRumors on Twitter and got the app store link from there.

Have just done a mini mini trial. Able to link to my Scrivener projects file okay on Dropbox. Made a few changes in a project on iScriv, then went to same project on Macbook. At first I thought it wouldn’t sync, but then it did, and my changes were there in the Macbook version! Yay!

Yup. Got it from UK app store.

Now Keith can lock this thread.

Scrivener for iOS - When?



Agree, lock!