Novel-in-a-Day 5: Go Set A NiaD

Look… a stick… Want the stick? Huh? Go get the stick!!

That was too easy.

Given the bristling ears, wide eyes, and open mouth, I think the Airedale might be sitting on the stick.

Careful Rosie, :open_mouth: kids could be reading these threads … kids and Jaysen! A tad too risqué for J-and kids.


Shucks. My mind wasn’t that deep in the gutter. :open_mouth: I meant it far more innocently.

Wonder if I can get Ioa to change my forum name to Rosie?

For use only when you’re being naughty! :imp:

[size=150]Rose[/size] for when you are being good. :wink:

Flattered. :laughing:


A SQUIRREL!??!?!?!?!?!!!? MY FAVORITE!
drops stick, chases squirrel

Returns, drops angry, slobber-drenched squirrel in Jasen’s lap
There you go, pal. I upgraded your stick! No need to thank me.

That’s a sick stunt t’ pull!! :open_mouth: Droppin’ one of these in numpty’s lap!

squirrels > sticks

That’s just science.

in our world it is more
stick < squirrel < rabbit < rdale

My big boy and girl are over here looking for a new play toy…

better show the kids this.

I wish to participate! In other words, I will agree, abide and, when the moment is ripe, write!
Thanks for the opportunity!

Yup! That’s one thing you can count on around here, ripeness. In terms of the humor of some, at least. :stuck_out_tongue: 8)

Something decidedly fishy about that statement.

Hey Dave, welcome to the forum! I’ve sent you a Direct Message with the next steps.

We’re only 3 spaces away from pushing into a third version of the book!

Probably a decent time to bump the thread on Scribophile and provide the info again!

I have an engagement party (someone else’s) and various other things to work around on the day, but count me in, we can make this work somehow… right…?


An engagement party? Is that even a thing? I mean, it’s essentially a party to celebrate the fact that they intend to have another party a little bit later?

Sounds like the sort of thing you can take your laptop to and silently work in the corner. :smiley:

I’ve added you to the list. Welcome back!

You know us Aussies, any excuse to party… :smiley:

You can think of an engagement party as a kind of practice wedding. You get to argue over the guest list, menu and music; watch family members not talk to each other, get drunk, then talk loudly and indiscriminately about each other to anyone nearby (except each other); learn which friends really care (they send their apologies ahead of time); and discover why so many people have a gift list for their wedding. If you still want a wedding with your current partner after all that, your marriage will probably be OK. :unamused: