iphone wiki with search & replace?

Hi all,
because Scrivener doesn’t work on the iphone, I’m wondering if I should break out my character notes etc in Scrivener into some other kind of free wiki and just use Scrivener for what it’s best at: the actual novel writing.

I’m writing a book and need some kind of personal wiki or notebook to keep a track of all the characters and backstory. I was considering OneNote, which is FREE and syncs to the Skycloud (with 15 gigs for free and 1 TB if you have Office365) and all my devices. I’m writing a sci-fi book and have about 150 pages of backstory and history and character notes and special items notes. Imagine if I wanted to change a character’s name! I can’t seem to find “Search and Replace” in OneNote or Evernote, and I’m desperately seeking some kind of wiki that does have Search & Replace and yet syncs between my iPhone and iMac. Any ideas?

you might try TrunkNotes http://www.appsonthemove.com and have it sync with Dropbox.
It is quite a capable iOS Wiki and will let you with a proper Texteditor when on your Mac or PC since it uses standard markdown with some special markups, including but not limited to search and replace.
A proper OS X counterpart for TN is missing though.

thanks for the suggestion.
I finally decided cross-platform was more important than search & replace.
Onenote all the way!
Works on iphone & android & mac & PC
If I ever get a PC I can download an extension for Onenote called Onetastic that has Search & Replace, but at the moment I’ll just manually search.