Novel-in-a-Day 4.0: Live Free or NiaD

Ok, done. More than 1500 in what I can only hope passes for English. I get why there’s only one of these a year, it’s exhausting.
Anyway, thank you, Jaysen and Montree_Wiles (sorry if I didn’t get you name right), for pointing me to the clock before, I was really not able to look for it; and I suppose I’ll fool myself into thinking it was actually fun, so I’ll probable see you next year.

Just thinking for a minute. We all dribbled out a chapter. Piggy has to read them all. And this year there are two books. TWO BOOKS. With folks like KB and me writing two chapters each that’s a LOT of reading. A LOT of BAD reading.

Poor piggy.

That’s why I wonder that NIAD comes again each year! I’d be dead first time. Or you’ll all be dead, I don’t know. Kudos to Rog: that’s a real tour de force he’s set himself for!

ETA: never said, but my 2185 words have been sent and now, of course, I’m dreading they’re not good enough.

Mornin all. What a rush. Piggy got my chapter and then I fell into a scrivener induced coma.

Not sure if the answer is still needed but for those pants… We know them as ‘daks’ or ‘trackie daks’

I knew it was something like that. Oh well. Too late.

Don’t worry mate. I got the poodles covered

Well, that was much more exhausting than I anticipated.
I think next year, if I’m still around and able, I should do all my writing the during the night I get the brief and edit all the next morning. That probably would have been a much better plan. I didn’t get to half of the notes I made last night for the scenes. Real life on Saturdays are distracting!

I’m not sure why why only 1,720 words took me that long.
I think next year I’m using my vacation days for this event. That way I can give it the attention it deserves. :smiling_imp:

I started later then I had planned, but the chapter was quite different to any I have done before oh well is done now :slight_smile:

The phrase “off-shored,” is the same as the AmEng, “out-sourced,” right?

Yes. Current corp Lang uses off shore to hide the “out” aka loss, of jobs.

Wow. You guys did notes n everything.

Looks at burnt pants lying on the floor

Notes is relative. I took a bunch because I planned to sleep before writing. Had I been on roo chasing time I’d have just vomited it all into scriv and cut away.

Not quite true. I would have cut the brief up into chunks to sort my stream of mind bile intimate something resembling piggy’s plan.

3,150 words and 1.75 hours late. :unamused:

Sleep is so unproductive.

Then I think you did it wrong.

If he has neighbors like mine, it’s never productive.

Right – a quick 2 minute break, because I’ve been staring at words on a screen for what feels like hours (and in fact… is). So obviously my break is to come and talk to you while staring at the exact same screen.

What are you going to do first after the books are made available?
a) Immediately turn to and read your own chapter. Twice.
b) Work out which book you’re in and sit down and start reading it, like a book.
c) Immediately turn to and read the duplicate of your chapter by the other person. Twice.
d) Ignore those, head straight to the .scriv file, to read other people’s briefs.


Ummm, I think… Yeah, b, c, then d, then a, then cringe and hide under the pillow.

E. Print copies for mrs and let her see how NiaD works.
Then D.