Welcome about to our new support team members!

Welcome to Scriv’s bridge. Just keep y’re eye on the girls, they’can be a bit on the assertive side, those two. Need to gird y’ loins ,pal.
Good luck.
Jeff's tipple.jpg

vic,k warning about people to ,watch out for,?

welcome all. i was starting to worry that kb only associated with women whose names begin with the letter ,j,. glad to discover it was just coincidence and not some weird obsessive behaviour.

Floss wrote: “vic,k warning about people to ,watch out for,?”

And why not cousin? Even he can’t be wrong all the time. And anyway Jeff is only an inexperienced young fella. Whereas, those two have been around the block a good few times.


fluff wrote, And why not cousin? Even he can’t be wrong all the time.

good point. voice of experience and all that.

and jeff cant be that young, he,s seen the film dune and everything

I thought Astrids was them rocks that circle the earth and occasionally fetch it a whack when the gene pools start to get a bit thick.

AHAB SAID: I thought Astrids was them rocks that circle the earth and occasionally fetch it a whack when the gene pools start to get a bit thick.

Nah you’re thinking of Metrids?

Hmmmm. Maybe my science is faulty. Astrids is rocks circling the earth looking for something to whack, and when one up and decides it’s got a target it becomes a Metrid?

Or is Metrid that math stuff Europeans use so wrenches don’t fit onto nuts right.

Ahab wrote: “…use so ******** don’t fit onto nuts right.” Sorry… was that wrenches or wenches? Can’t find my spectacles.

Doesn’t take him long to revert to type, but I bet it takes a hell of a lot longer for the MODERATORS to do anything about it. tch!tch!tch!

It’s MATHS. You can’t just go missing letters out of words as you see fit.

pigfender wrote: “Lunacy!”
Don’t y’ mean Lucy? youtube.com/watch?v=A7F2X3rSSCU

Hello all!

I’ve already introduced myself over on this post <Should it be congratulations... because it looked like a mob was gathering over at ye olde pitchfork and torch emporium, and I needed to do something quick. For your convenience, I’ll repost that here:

Now, onto new business. There has been some speculation about my age. All I will say is that your fearless leader Keith and I could have been in the same class in school – aside from the fact that we were on different sides of the planet. And my dear Floss, while I very much enjoy David Lynch’s fine film, I’ve also read Dune. This is a writer’s forum, after all :wink:

As for the warnings about the ladies, well, I’m afraid I’m taken. Or at least I will be. In 78 days. I think I need a drink.


Blimey - and you still have the [zombie] dance moves! :slight_smile:


  1. You are officially banned from starting any threads. You break BBCode for anyone who is not you.
  2. Why do you think they are “zombie” dance moves? Imagine what they were before!

JEFF SAID: “All I will say is that your fearless leader Keith and I could have been in the same class in school – aside from the fact that we were on different sides of the planet.”

would that be when he was studying, or teaching?


I was thinking when he was finger-painting.


Young Jeffrey wrote:
“All I will say is that y-o-u-r fearless leader Keith and I…”

Rather telling, don’t you think…that, young Jeffrey, refers to, young Kevin, as Y-O-U-R leader, and not…our leader…!!! P’rhaps he is an Alien, after all, and not one of us at all.

Well, let’s just say that one of the reasons Jeff got the job was that along with his CV he provided video evidence of himself dancing to Thriller. :slight_smile:

I believe that needs to be posted in the “who we are” section.

Whoever heard of a cat having a leader?