Write Now with Scrivener, Episode no. 43: Veronica Roth, Fantasy Author
Veronica Roth is the author of many fantasy novels, including the Divergent series.
Read moreVeronica Roth is the author of many fantasy novels, including the Divergent series.
Read moreScrivener’s auto-complete feature can save you time, typing character names, place names, and other terms for you.
Read moreScrivener lets you customize colors and fonts for much of its interface and save them as themes, to load when you want or share with others.
Read moreOPML is a file format used by many outliners. You can import OPML files to your Scrivener project, and export all or part of your project in that format.
Read moreWilliam Shaw writes crime fiction and adventure thrillers.
Read moreScrivener is designed so all writers – whether they plan in advance or write by the seat of their pants – can write a novel in a flexible environment.
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