Scrivener 2.4 Now Available (and in Review on the MAS)

Hello all,

Scrivener 2.4 is now available to users who bought from us direct (or from one of our resellers such as It will also be available on the Mac App Store very soon. Scrivener 2.4 adds numerous refinements, is fully Retina Display compatible, and includes many bug-fixes. It is a free update for all registered users of Scrivener 2, and we recommend that you update from whatever version of Scrivener you are using. Updates and fixes include:

• Scrivener is now fully Retina Display compatible (every icon and graphic has been recreated at twice the size to take full advantage of the Retina display).
• Added support for Regular Expressions in all find and replace features (Lion and above only).
• Many improvements and additions to Compile.
• Added full support for the Fountain screenplay syntax ( to Import, Import and Split, Export, Compile and External Folder Sync.
• Added drag-and-drop support for Scapple notes (Scapple is our upcoming freeform mind-mapping-type app - please see viewforum.php?f=42 ).
• The Scratch Pad can now be set up to use plain text, making it easy to sync scratch pad notes with iOS apps.
• Inspector comments and footnotes can now be zoomed with the text.
• Updated MultiMarkdown package to 3.7.
• Improved e-book export, in particular to accommodate Amazon’s stricter Kindle formatting rules and to avoid iTunes Producer rejecting certain EPUB files.
• Fixed critical bug whereby Scrivener could stop saving documents that were part of a scrivenings session that had been open for more than two days.
• Over 100 other refinements and bug fixes.

You can find a full list of changes here:

To download Scrivener 2.4, follow the instructions below - please note that the instructions differ depending on whether you bought Scrivener directly from us or from the Mac App Store. If you have any problems, please don’t hesitate to e-mail us at for further assistance.


To download Scrivener 2.4, either:

• Select “Check for Updates” from the “Scrivener” menu within Scrivener itself and follow the on-screen instructions;


• Go to … atform=mac and click on “Download for Mac” to download and re-install Scrivener. (Note that there are two downloads available - one for systems running OS X 10.6 and later, and another for older systems. Both versions of Scrivener have all the same features, but only the 10.6+ version supports GateKeeper and it also makes use of some newer technologies internally.)

If you have already seen the update notification and followed the on-screen instructions to update, you don’t need to do anything else.

NOTE: If you have already tried updating but ran into the eSellerate -2003 error that has affected a few users, and you didn’t manage to resolve it via our support channels for some reason, please try re-downloading, as this should now be resolved.


Scrivener 2.4 has been submitted to the Mac App Store for review, so should appear on the Mac App Store within the next week or two, depending on the current review waiting times (which vary). So, please keep an eye out for the update in the “Updates” pane of the Mac App Store.

App Store users who do not wish to wait can just download and run Scrivener 2.4 from our site for the time being. As long as you have run Scrivener from the Mac App Store at least once, the version on our site should recognise you as a registered user. (You will need to remove Scrivener from your Applications directory before you can do this, and you may be prompted to enter your admin password to do so.) When the update becomes available on the Mac App Store, you can then just delete our regular version and re-download from the Mac App Store (or you can continue using our regular version, of course).

Thanks and all the best,